On September 26. 2020. is 8 years from leaving us our dear friend and great Op. pilot Goran Savic YT2A. Everyone who knew him, know that Goran was a big fan and one of the first activators of Flora&Fauna in Serbia. YUFF Team chose the date below, of his death for day of Serbian Flora & Fauna activation.

We are calling you on Saturday 26.09.2020.
from 00:00 – 23:59 UTC take participation in 6th Serbian Flora&Fauna Open Day in memoriam of
Goran Savić YT2A

The activation Goal:
Member of Goran Savić FF activity pioneer, promotion of bigger activity from YUFF and global protected nature zones, also YUFF and global hunters Flora & Fauna program.

Activation is allowed only from one zone with one station, except there is more groups of activators going in same FF zone, and they must report/anounce activity with several callsigns. In this case every callsign must have a minimum of 100 QSOs and minimum stay in FF zone of 2 hours and more, in one FF zone. Activity time will not count if there is a pause between QSOs more than 60 minutes. If station works with more than one PCs, they must send one ADI.LOG to YUFF team. Its allowed to activate 2 FF areas, and activity must be reported to YUFF coordinator no later than 25.09.2020. to 18:00h.

Coordinator of activity for 2020 will be Miki Jakovljević YT3X.

If the activity from FF zone is not reported in indicated date, QSOs will be accepted only to hunters, but the activator team will not be able to claim their scores for FF Diploma or other prices.

You can announce the activity on YUFF Team E-Mail memorial@yuff.co.rs or via phone +381 65 599 599 9 SMS Viber E-mail…

Coordiator will be posting schedule of activations on:
YUFF Facebook page.
YUFF web site.
Final schedule of activations will be posted no later than 25.09.2020. at 20h.

Every activator will be informed as soon as possible about confirmation of accepting their announcements of activation, or to try to activate other FF zone if selected is already planed for activation from others hams. YUFF team accepting every activated FF zone for diploma for 2020!

List of YUFF references is avaible on official YUFF site at www.yuff.co.rs/yuff-lista/

Every station who activated reference and send their logs on time, will be awarded with YT2A Diploma. For scoring will count non unique QSOs. World wide activators from FF zones must have at least one QSO with YUFF activators for award.

Every station who worked at least 5 QSOs with different stations from others FF zones world wide will be awarded, but 3 stations must be from YUFF Area. Every mode on the band can be used for QSOs and only the double QSOs (same band, same mode) is not valid for award.YUFF team accepting only ADI (ADIF) format and you can send your logbook to our robot at LINK
If you have any problem with logbook upload, feel free to send your log to memorial@yuff.co.rs
Deadline for sending the logbook is
02.10.2020. 23:59 UTC

73 & 44 YUFF Team